Our current slip permit special includes Buy One Get One 25% off. All slip rates include dock box, water & electric.
Hammond Marina Rules & Regulations

Slip Rates

Includes Dock Box, Water & Electric, 2 Key Cards, 2 Parking Passes & Sticker Permit.
A 3% processing fee will be added when using a credit card for season slip rates.

30' Single 30 Amp $2415.00
35' Single 30 Amp $2795.00
35’ Double 30 Amp $2970.00
40' Double 30 Amp $3300.00
45’ Single 50 Amp $3930.00
50’ Single 50 Amp $4620.00
50 Double 50 Amp $5010.00
55’ Double 50 Amp $5220.00
60’ Double 50 Amp $5815.00
61'+ Double 50 Amp $94.00 per Foot

Personal Watercraft (PWC)

Up to 15’ + $125.00
15’1” to 19’6” + $200.00

PWC must fit in slip with boat or additional lift/space fees apply.

PWC Space


(Must be approved by Office)

PWC Lift

$150.00 per Year

(Marina and/or Owner Provided)

Jet Ski Only Docks

Includes ramp, key card & pass.
1 PWC $550.00
2 PWC $1000.00

Transient Rates


Up to 30' $35.00
31' to 35' $40.00
36' to 40' $45.00
41' to 45' $50.00
46' to 50' $55.00
51' to 55' $60.00
56' to 60' $65.00
61'&Up $1.50 per Foot


Up to 30' $210.00
31' to 35' $240.00
36' to 40' $270.00
41' to 45' $300.00
46' to 50' $350.00
51' to 55' $400.00
56' to 60' $450.00
61’ to 65’ $500.00
66’ & Up $550.00


4x Weekly Rate

Off Season

25% Discount Weekly & Monthly

04/01 through 05/15

09/15 through 11/01


1⁄2 of Daily Rate

Misc Fees

Charter Boat Surcharge

25% of Slip Fee

Season Ramp Pass

$350.00 Triple Axle

Daily Launch Fee

$35.00 Triple Axle

Late Leaver Fee


(Fees enforced beginning November 1st)



(at Fuel Dock with fuel)


(at Fuel Dock without fuel)


(at Slip by Water Unit)


$50 - $150 each

(with Harbormaster’s approval)

Mast Step/Unstep

$5.50 per Foot

ONR Key Card Deposit


(Refunded at time of check-out only.)

Summer Trailer Storage

1 Axle - $150.00
2 Axle - $200.00
3 Axle - $300.00

Extra Parking Pass

$75.00 Each

(2 additional passes may be purchased throughout season.)

Extra Key Card

$25.00 Each

(2 additional key cards may be purchased or reactivated throughout the season.)

Reactivate Key

$5.00 Each

Slip Permit Replacement

$25.00 Each

PWC Permit Replacement

$25.00 Each

Slip Change Fee

$25.00 Each

Returned Hydro Hoists

$100.00 Initial Fee
+ $350.00 Each Season

(with Director’s approval)

Check Return Fee

$35.00 Each Occurrence

Approved 09/03/2024
All Rates Subject to Change